
학술대회 및 행사

한중 연륜연구 공동세미나 공지

2006-08-24 22:18:00
조회 1181

한중 연륜연구 공동세미나를 공지해드리오니 관심있으신 분들의 참가바랍니다. 충북대 연륜연구센터 박원규드림



Korea-China Dendrochronology

Young Scientist Seminars

韓ㆍ中 年輪年代 新進硏究發表會

主催: 韓國 忠北大學校  農業科學技術硏究所 ㆍ中國 科學院 地球環境硏究所

主管:  忠北大學校 木材年輪素材銀行

後援:  科學技術部ㆍ韓國科學財團 國家指定硏究素材銀行

日時:  2006年 8月 26日 (土)  9:30-17:40

場所: 忠北大  農業科學技術Center 視聽覺室

9: 30-  9:40 Opening

9: 40-10:00  Introduction of speakers (Kim Moon-Sung, Sun Junyan)

SESSION I Invited papers

10: 00-10:30 Liu Yu (Prof., Vice Directer, Institute of Earth Environment, Chinses Academy of Sciences, Xian China) Dendroclimatology in North China

10:30-11:00 Park Won-Kyu (Prof., School of Forest Resources & Rural Development, CBNU) Recent advances in Korean dendrochronology

11:00-11:30 Kim Yo-Jung (Reseacher, Tree-Ring Research Center, Agricultural Science & Research Institute, CBNU) Dendrochronological Dating of Korean Furniture and Woodcrafts of the 19th Century

11:30-12:00 Cai Qiufang (Assistant Prof., Institute of Earth Environment, CAS) Temperature reconstruction from tree-ring width over Helan Montain

12:00-13:40 Lunch


13:40-14:00 Sun Junyan (Institute of Earth Environment, CAS) The tree-ring records of diversifolious poplar (Populus euphratica Oliv) on the variations of climate and hydrology over Ejin region, Inner Mongolia, China for the last 233 years

14:00-14:20 Son Byung-Hwa (Changwon National Research Institute of Cultural Heritage, Korea) Tree-ring dating of wood elements used for Daewoongjeon Hall of Youngkuk Temple and conservation treatment of charred woods

14:20-14:40 Yi Liang (Institute of Earth Environment, CAS) Low-frequency variability of summer temperature in past three centuries from tree rings in Mt. Luya, Shanxi, China

14:40-15:00 Coffee Break


15:00-15:20 Kim Sang-Kyu (SFRRD, CBNU) Tree-ring dating of Wonreung, a royal tomb of Korea

15:20-15:40 Song Huiming (Institute of Earth Environment, CAS) Winter lowest temperature in Jiuzhaigou region, China, reconstructed from tree-ring width since AD1658

15:40-16:00 Lee Kwang-Hee (SFRRD, CBNU) Tree-Ring Dating of Naehung-Dong Coffins

16:00-16:20 Coffee Break


16:20-16:40 Li Qiang (Institute of Earth Environment, CAS) The reconstruction of annual precipitation since AD 1686 from Ning Wu region,Shan Xi Province

16:40-17:00 Han Sang-Hyo (National Archives and Records Service, Korea) Species and Tool-Trace Analysis of Wooden Artifacts in  Baekje

17:00-17:20 Song, Ji-Ae (Tree-Ring Research Center, ASTRI, CBNU) Species Analysis of Folk Wooden Products of Chungbuk Forest Sience Museum

17:20-17:40 Conclusion (Park Won-Kyu and Liu Yu)


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