

Call for Participation in the Annual Meeting of Korean Archaeology Conference 2024

2024-05-02 07:19:15
조회 1007

회원 여러분 안녕하십니까.

한국고고학회에서는 한국고고학을 연구하는 해외(외국인) 연구자의 참여를 독려하고

다양한 시각을 공유하기 위해 48회 한국고고학전국대회 해외 연구자 패널을 계획하고 있습니다.

주변의 외국인 연구자 및 외국 학회 관계자분들께 아래의 내용에 대한 많은 홍보 부탁드립니다. 

한국고고학회에서도 전미고고학회(SAA), 유럽고고학자협회(EAA), 동아시아고고학회(SEAA)를 통한 홍보를 진행 중입니다.

패널 발표자에게는 다양한 방식의 지원이 있을 예정입니다.


The Korean Archaeological Society is inviting three scholars on early Korea studies to participate in a panel titled “The Prospective of Early Korea Studies” (a tentative title) in its annual meeting (November 12, 2024). Early Korea is broadly defined as the prehistoric or early historic periods where textual records are absent or limited, and archaeological materials can further elaborate the gaps in written records and provide comprehensive perspectives on the past. This panel aims to review the state of art of Korean archaeology and early Korea studies, particularly its current state outside Korea, and search for the future direction. Participants will present their research on early Korea and address how they will enhance the field of early Korea.


Scholars who research prehistoric and/or early historic Korea.

Their institutional affiliations should be outside Korea.

Ph.D. in anthropology, archaeology, history, Korean studies, or related disciplines in hand.

Interdisciplinary topics are welcome but archaeological findings or interpretations should be utilized as part of the research.

Application package:

A cover letter, describing their research area and goals, and how their current or past research can contribute to enhancing Korean archaeology and/or Early Korea Studies.

An abstract of the presentation, 300 words or less.

A curriculum vitae


Selected scholars will be invited to the annual conference of the Korean Archaeological Society on November 1st to 3rd, 2024. The cost during the conference will be provided, including 3-nights lodging (October 31st to November 2nd), conference registration fees, meals, and local transportations. Participants can utilize this chance to do their field research before or after the conference with their own funding.

Due: Send the application package to kras1976@naver.com by 11:59 pm on June 15, 2024 (Korea Standard Time, GMT+9).

We encourage early career scholars to apply. For the inquiry into this opportunity, contact to Prof. Heo, Jina at jinaheo@jnu.ac.kr

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